Medical Addresses for (Tourists in) Scheveningen


In life-threatening situations, immediately call 112!

Do you need medical care during your holiday in Scheveningen?

Without a referral, it is not permitted to visit a hospital. In such cases, please first contact a GP (General Practitioner).

Booking an Appointment with a GP

An impromptu consultation without a prior appointment is usually not possible. Always call in advance to arrange an appointment.

Preparing for Your Doctor's Visit

Ensure that you have the following information on hand both when booking your appointment and during your consultation with the doctor:

General Practitioner / Local doctor

Huisartsenpraktijk Scheveningen

Prins Willemstraat 20, Scheveningen
tel. +31 703 502 737 
web. Website


Including: emergency department, pediatrician, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, etc.

Bronovo Ziekenhuis

Bronovolaan 5, Den Haag
tel. +31 703 124 141 
web. Website


International Health Centre The Hague Pharmacy

Prins Willemstraat 41, Den Haag
tel. +31 703 065 122 
web. Website



Renbaanstraat 73-75, Den Haag
tel. +31 703 558 164 


Dierenkliniek Stevinstraat

Namensestraat 13, Den Haag
tel. +31 703 555 531 

Emergency number

If someone’s life is in danger, always call 112!